AMTimeAction Class Reference

This class allows to perform an action on a playable object, and is linked to a time interval relative to the scheduler initial time. More...

#import <AMTimeAction.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initWithPlayable:begin:action:permanent:
 Creates a new permanent or single-use AMTimeAction object.
(double) - getBeginTime
 Gets the scheduled begin time of the action.
(BOOL) - doAction:timeInterval:
 Performs the registered action on the linked playable object.

Protected Attributes

id playable
AMActionType action
double begin
BOOL permanent

Detailed Description

This class allows to perform an action on a playable object, and is linked to a time interval relative to the scheduler initial time.

See also:


Member Function Documentation

- (BOOL) doAction: (double)  _currentTime
timeInterval: (double)  _timeInterval 

Performs the registered action on the linked playable object.

currentTime The current time given of the scheduler time base, in seconds.
timeInterval The time interval that has to be considerated as current, negatively relative to the currentTime parameter, in seconds.
YES if the action was performed and the AMTimeAction was set to be single-use, NO otherwise.

- (double) getBeginTime  

Gets the scheduled begin time of the action.

The begin time of the action in seconds, or -1 if it was a single-use action that has already been performed.

- (id) initWithPlayable: (id)  _playable
begin: (double)  _begin
action: (AMActionType)  _action
permanent: (BOOL)  _permanent 

Creates a new permanent or single-use AMTimeAction object.

playable The playable object on which the action will occur.
begin The scheduled begin time for the action to perform, in seconds.
action The action to perform, as defined by the AMActionType enumeration.
permanent If set to YES, this AMTimeAction object will be dismissed by the scheduler after having performed the action.
The created AMTimeAction object.

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